Home Business Funding Reveling Women Founders; How these Female-Owned Companies Attained Success.

Reveling Women Founders; How these Female-Owned Companies Attained Success.

Reveling Women Founders; How these Female-Owned Companies Attained Success.

Many more women are engaging the entrepreneurial path nowadays than years backs. Recent research holds that over 11.6 million firms in the United States of America are owned by women, with over nine million employees, providing a huge sum of $1.7 trillion in income to the State.

This is, however, not merely a departing trend either as the historic growth rate isn’t set to drop any soon. With countless gifted female founding businesses out there, there exist infinite facts of women entrepreneurs building firms and or product(s) out of ‘nothing’. Because such a list cannot be exhausted in just a single article, we’ll focus on a few of these inspiring women entrepreneurs. Perhaps their inspirational stories, district, and bravery may excite you and or spur you to begin your very own entrepreneurial venture.

Black Girls RUN

Black girls run was founded in 2009 by two friends, Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks in an attempt to wrestle the rising obesity epidemic in the African-American community, provide resources and motivation to both new and veteran runners.

The company had the mission to promote fitness and healthy living in African-Americans.

A report from the Centers for Disease Control holds that eighty percent of African-American women are overweight. Black Girls Run aspires to organize a movement to drop this percentage consequently reducing the number of women with such chronic complications connected with unhealthy diets and inactive lifestyles.

 BGR has a membership of more than 150,000 and entertains over seventy running associations across the country. The company has enjoyed a steady stream of the press, even getting noticed by Oprah.

Via their online store, BGR has funded their dream of influencing obesity rates in America and marketing BGR commodities to women pleased to represent the association that shaped their lives.

“When we decided to begin the operating groups, we saw an opening to begin monetizing the business and it just went viral. That’s when we began ramping up production of our commodities, which has helped us support the company for this long.”

 Bird + Stone

The future is female for Bird + Stone, an online accessories founded by Elana Reinholtz in 2013 with the goal to inflate funds and create awareness for corporations devoted to building an equal world. Reinholtz founded Bird + Stone after serving as a volunteer in Kenya

“I was 24 when I left school and was serving at a communal business in Kenya. However, it took me almost one year to feel like I wasn’t positively contributing to society. I encountered a program in rural Kenya with seventy widows that were reconstructing their lives via entrepreneurship. I walked by foot from one village to the next, explaining fundamental accounting and business skills in huts and or outside- sometimes with the content fastened to a tree trunk. I helped out with the microloans granted to these widows as part of the program; which improved their living standards as it quadrupled their income enabling them to expand their businesses, afford basic necessities as well as carter for their health’.

Bird + Stone believes that all users can effect change by leveraging their procurement right to enhance equity for all.

Mommy Sauce

Mommy Choi, a 73-Year Old Korean Entrepreneur Launched her online Business, Mommy Sauce, in 2015 selling her secret sauce recipes to the world. Growing up in a big family of 11 children and inspired by her love for food, cooking, her son, Jai Nam a notable chef, Mommy Choi created her very own business selling her secret cooking sauces.

She migrated to America for college at a young age where she met her husband. His palette and background were typically different from hers, so she blended her Korean cooking fashion with American cooking.

 “My hubby and I toiled so hard 7 days a week at our Jobsite to sustain our family but every night, we looked forward to our family meals at home. Cooking is a huge part of our lives, the probable reason why our son became such a famous chef”. Choi comments.

Mommy Choi shared some great advice for other entrepreneurs above the age of fifty. “Do not ponder for too long on an idea and let it sit,” “Time flies. If you have a dream, begin right away. Get up and work. You have little to lose when you’re older; your children are all grown up. Have a vision that will make you glad for the rest of your life, don’t live to just get by’ 

Connect live with hundreds of female founders and investors at our upcoming May 2021 San Diego Summit to learn more on how to begin, fund, succeed in your startup/business, and or become a successful investor. Register at https://femalefounderspitchsummit.com/.


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